Zen Meditation in Columbus Ohio

Meditation is a practice of awakening to the peace, presence, wisdom and love at the core of our being. When we sit in meditation together, we connect to a deeper stillness beyond the limits of our conditioned, reactive minds. Meditation can facilitate insight into the nature of friction within ourselves and in our world, helping us embody a more conscious and compassionate way of living. Anyone is welcome to join our meditation sessions. Feel free to connect via email if you are new or have any questions.

Weekly Drop-In Meditation and Monthly Basics of Meditation Class @ ILLIO

17 E Tulane Rd, Columbus, OH 43202

Basics of Meditation First Sundays beginning March 2

7P - 8:30P at ILLIO

Join us on the first Sunday of the month, beginning March 2 2025, for our new Basics of Meditation class. This is for folks who are new to meditation or for people who have been meditating for a while and would like to refresh the basics.

We will review posture, talk about different styles of meditation and practice meditating together. There will be lots of time for questions with one of the teachers. No need to register, just

Weekly Drop-in Meditation Events

  • Tuesday Early Morning Meditation

    7:30A - 8:30A

    Start your day with meditation. JoinKisei for a short 30-minute morning meditation on Tuesdays.

    In person at ILLIO (17 E Tulane)

  • Wednesday Evening Zen Meditation

    7P - 8:30P

    Join Kisei, Sensei and Patrick for an evening of Zen meditation practice. The evening will begin with some lightly guided and silent meditation, followed by a Dharma discussion. We will be exploring themes around compassion, interconnection, wisdom and embodiment.

    In person at ILLIO (17 E Tulane)

  • Thursday Morning Meditation

    9A - 10A

    Join Seth for morning meditation on Thursdays. Sessions typically start with a poem and short mantra, followed by a twenty minute silent meditation session, and ending with dharma sharing.

    Join in person at ILLIO (17 E Tulane) or on Zoom at https://osu.zoom.us/j/99019500766?pwd=dk5Wdm1WdnUrYUY5QTZ6NWkzdWxFUT09